Eating the Ground

Unititled "Plant" 2014-Present

Digital Photograph (installation view) sculpture. recycled bicycle tubes, wire. 36 in x 12 in.

I repurpose discarded or replaced bicycle tubes from shops to create public installations using a specific weaving technique on wire. These recurring works are hung in underutilized urban spaces, using the discarded material to create something new and visually compelling. My process involves a methodical approach to cutting and weaving the rubber on wire.

Ladder to Isfahan, 2017-18

Digital Photograph (installation view, sculpture) hand carved eucalyptus wood, steel. 12 ft. reach.

My goal was to create a poetic metaphor for overcoming the struggles of diaspora and oppression. I crafted a dangerous ladder with razor-sharp hand-whittled points and enforced steel steps. Despite the inherent risk, I wanted to ensure it was still possible to climb. During the performance, the sculpture actually went through my leg, but I had it stapled shut and returned to finish the work, emphasizing the determination and resilience required to overcome obstacles.

Ziba (farsi; Beautiful) Arrow, 2017

Digital Photograph (installation view, sculpture) bone dry ceramic, eucalyptus wood, jute twine, paint brushes. 4 ft.

Hungry Baby Bird, 2014

Digital Photograph, 2016. (installation view, sculpture). hand-built porcelain vessel, 8 x 16 inches.

Zero Sum Game, 2016

Digital Photograph (installation view, sculpture). Persian chess board, eucalyptus wood. 6 x 6 ft.

Lifeline, 2017

Digital Photograph (installation view, sculpture). eucalyptus wood, cotton rags, paint, canvas. Approximately 93 x 68 inches.